May is National Share a Story Month
May Meeting Information
Meeting times and dates:
General Meeting - May 19th 7:00 p.m.
WOGCC Basko Building
Executive Board meeting - June 3rd 5:30 p.m. at Betty Hazen's home any member can attend if they wish to.
Committee Report:
Betty said Antique show is full and we received six new vendors!
Welcome new vendors.
There will be a table at the Antique Show in the lobby. And Jenny will have sign up sheets for anyone wishing to join the club. And if they pay their dues they will get into the show free.
Executive Board
President - Charlene Howell
Vice-President - Jenny Miller
Secretary - Vicki Steinle
Treasurer - Ed Reish
Director - Rick Betts
Director - Jon Miller
Committee - Betty Hazen
Past President - Barbe Reish
Committee Report
The Antique Show is full and we received six new vendors welcome to the show!
Jon Miller will be our announcer on Saturday during the Antique Show.
A program will be given at the next general meeting by Dennis and Larry Pumford and possibly Dennis' wife will also give a surprise performance.
The winners of certificates drawn were:
Emma Lou Closs
Vicki Steinle
Ed Reish
Those of you who have not paid can still pay your dues.
They are $10 per person and $15 per couple.
Please submit them this month.
Refreshments will be served at our next meeting by Emma Lou Closs
Winners of the certificates drawn were:
Emma Lou Closs
Vicki Steinle
Ed Reish